ArmaStone\u00ae is an engineered solution for reinforced soil slopes (RSS) that require an attractive mineral look, either to mimic the surrounding natural environment or simply to provide pleasing aesthetics for urban and peri-urban infrastructure.<\/p>\n
Built as earth retaining structures, slopes are constructed to an angle to horizontal typically between 45\u00b0 and 76\u00b0. These reinforced soil structures are commonly referred to by engineers as Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS) or Geosynthetic Reinforced Slopes (GRS). Geoquest’s success in this field has led to solutions that have reached a world record-setting RSS structure being built to a height exceeding 100m.<\/p>\n
Reinforced soil slopes are essentially an extension of the Reinforced Earth\u00ae technique, and are designed and built to retain engineered reinforced soil fill with a face inclination of between 45\u00b0 and 76\u00b0. \u00a0Generally Geoquest will offer provisions for the finished facade to be either vegetated with ArmaGreen\u00ae, or a mineral facade with ArmaStone\u00ae. Face-forming elements primarily consist of an engineered welded wire mesh system to which alternating layers of geostrips, geogrids, or steel strips are attached to function within the engineered fill for tensile strength and pullout resistance.<\/p>\n
RSS structures are widely built as functional structures to support transportation infrastructure, industrial sites, landscape development, protective structures, landfills and hydraulic structures.<\/p>\n<\/div>