TerraMet™ steel facing MSE walls

The designs for thousands of Reinforced Earth® mechanically stabilised earth (MSE) wall structures that have been built have their origins in the TerraMet™ solution.

These steel facing MSE walls use metallic, semi-elliptical, modular panels as facing.  TerraMet™ remains especially a preferred alternative for developing large mining and industrial sites as well as military-grade revetments.

As with all Reinforced Earth® retaining wall solutions, TerraMet™ combines facing elements, soil reinforcements and compacted engineered backfill that together build a durable mass gravity structure. These structures are capable of supporting their own weight at any practical height, together with the capacity to tolerate extreme applied loading, vibrations, settlement and external assault.

TerraMet™ steel facing MSE walls use a technique that predates the introduction of our concrete and mesh facings, and yet has been used extensively throughout the world since the first operational Geoquest retaining wall was constructed in 1964.

The fundamental TerraMet™ components

> Facing and jointing

The standard semi-elliptical steel panels normally measure 0.35m x 3m. The prefabricated panels are configured to interlock with aligned, pre-located bolted connection slots when stacked during installation. Attaching thin steel plates along the vertical joints provide covering to prevent the migration of backfill. Panels and connection devices may be galvanized or ungalvanized depending on design life requirements and environmental influences.

> Soil reinforcement

High-adherence (HA) steel strips are bolted to the facings panels along the horizontal panel joints at the pre-located slots. These non-extensible strips are designed for maximum structural capacity and durability. As opposed to other alternative reinforcements, Geoquest’s HA strips are flexible for designs that require skewing or deflecting around obstructions located within the reinforced soil volume. The HA strips and connection hardware may be galvanized or ungalvanized depending on design life requirements and environmental influences.

> Select backfill

While project-specific technical specifications and local building codes will normally govern the selection for backfill, a general specification will call for cohesionless granular soils with suitable properties to ensure proper pull out capacity and durability. Factors including unit weight, friction angle, gradation, soundness and electrochemical properties are to be considered.


Ease in handling

Ease in handling

Lightweight components that are easy to stack, transport, handle and quickly install without heavy lifting equipment.



The inherent flexibility of the composite structure is designed to tolerate subgrade deformations.



Perfect for both temporary and permanent structures subject to impact and vibrations, for instance industrial and military applications.

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