Rockfall Protection Embankments and Bunds

Rockfall protection embankments and bunds are rockfall barriers, developed with the use of Geoquest core mechanically stabilised earth (MSE) technology. They are robust and yet narrowly placed back-to-back MSE structures (rockfall retaining walls) that withstand extraordinary, record-breaking impact loads and debris volume assault.

These rockfall protection structures are easily installed, reparable from impact and are easily enlarged or strengthened as needed. Rockfall embankments are also used to provide protection to infrastructure and property over of a wider area than barrier fence systems.

MSE rockfall bunds or embankments are constructed using a decisive choice of facing materials, soil reinforcements and backfill material:

  • Facing materials may consist of precast concrete panels, wire mesh facing or metallic panels.
  • Soil reinforcements may consist of either geosynthetic strips or grids or metallic soil strips.
  • Backfill types used to construct MSE barrier rockfall retaining walls are also flexible depending on site-specific conditions and service life requirements.

High-performance narrow rockfall protection barriers

Known as passive rockfall protection, Geoquest slender rockfall protection bunds withstand certified, record-breaking impacts of 5000 KJ.

Our rockfall bund solution is the result of decades of research and development that has led to the creation of an innovative and high-performance narrow rockfall protection barrier. Most recently, full scale testing in 2020 entailed releasing a giant 12.4-tonne block from a height of 41m and impacting the 3 meters thick structure resulting in an impact of 5.1 megajoules. The narrow bund successfully absorbed the energy from the impact, pushing the limits of soil-structure interaction to a new level and establishing a world-record for a reinforced soil structure.

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