Engineered protection for infrastructure and utilities in marine environments requires special know-how and expertise.

Infrastructure built in marine environments are exposed to many risks that may cause damage and affect long-term performance. Whether immersed or in close proximity to shorelines, it is possible to mitigate the risks associated with extreme weather, rising sea levels and exposure to sea water.

Sea walls

Geoquest has designed and supplied materials for the construction of sea walls as part of many projects around the world. Working with public and private clients, our solutions offer proven performance when built in marine environments. Our protective and confinement walls are designed to protect infrastructure built near the shoreline or riverbank. We design walls with integral wave and flood deflecting features and water-channeling and drainage systems.

Reinforced Earth® wall solutions can be designed and dimensioned with galvanized steel strips or with geosynthetic reinforcements, offering more options to reach expected service life and optimal performance.

Our TechWall™ precast cantilever wall and T-Wall® precast gravity wall can also be used to build sea walls. These alternatives allow for more design options, for instance when building in narrow spaces or for construction directly in water. Easy and quick to install, while ensuring for long-term service life, our precast retaining walls are an excellent fit to marine environments.

Coastal protection

For coastal protection and coastal damage control, our TerraDyke™ geotextile tubes are commonly used to build self-standing gravity barriers. Protective levees, groynes and breakwaters provide protection to nearby construction sites, or to permanently mitigate risks related to unpredictable sea levels. They can also be used for shoreline reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Scour and erosion control

Extreme water levels and current fluctuations can cause erosion and scour. Shorelines and nearby infrastructure are at risk of degradations when not protected. Geotextile formed concrete mattresses, Articulated Concrete Block (ACB) mattresses can be used to protect shorelines from erosion and scour.

Pipeline and cable protection

Oil and Gas pipelines and cables often pass through waterways as part of the energy supply and telecommunication networks. It is necessary to protect these pipelines and cables from any impact or deformation that causes the release of chemical materials into the sea or provoke electricity or telecommunication breakdown. TechRevetment™ geosynthetic formed concrete mattresses and Articulated Concrete Blocks are often used to cover and shelter these networks from risk of damage.

Related solutions

Reinforced Earth®

Reinforced Earth®

Our flagship technique, Reinforced Earth®, is based on the principle of the friction between soil and reinforcements creating a permanent and predictable bond. At the origin of all mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls on the market today, we are continuously perfecting this ingenious technique.



TerraLink™  is our adaptation of the original Reinforced Earth® technique. Where conventional length of of reinforcements are not possible due to space limitations, linking the Reinforced Earth® system directly to an existing structure creates a structurally sound shored retaining wall.



TerraTrel® is a lightweight solution used for the construction of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structure using a durable steel wire mesh facing.



Geotrel® is a solution used for the construction of mechanically stabilized earth walls (MSE). It consists of stacked welded wire elements that serve as the facing of an engineered soil volume.



TerraAnchor™ is used for soil reinforcement applications. It is used for permanent and temporary stabilization of existing slopes and structures by using high tensile galvanized steel rods as soil reinforcement for permanent applications, or galvanized steel strands for temporary applications. Geoquest provides a range of anchor load capacity selections that reach up 15-tons, and driven to variable depths.



Geoquest and subsidiary companies offer TerraNail™, for installing passive soil and rock anchoring and stabilization systems. This solution is widely specified by geotechincal engineers for builders and earthworkers to install adequate measures to ensure stability and take control of embankment soil and rock displacement, foundation instability, mass erosion, and retention facing displacements.

Rockfall nets

Rockfall nets

Geoquest has developed a solution that addresses the need for owners and builders to install active, preventive safety measures that mitigate the potential for debris flow at the source, and limit the damaging effects as a consquence of such an event.

Rockfall barriers

Rockfall barriers

While Geoquest is renowned not only for reinforcing and stabilizing inhabitable earth formations, our team also has expertise in delivering solutions that control, mitigate and protect against rockfall and debris flow through the use of engineered barriers.

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